Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Blog Post

Hello everyone. My name is Alec Chvirko and I am an average American. Which means I have an opinion on everything. Even things that I’m not entirely well informed about. So, I am doing what any person of my generation with too much to say and no one to listen would do. I’m starting a blog.

To be completely honest, I have no idea at the moment what this blog will be about. It might be about photography (my chosen profession). It might be about politics (a subject I can’t seem to shut up about even though I know I should). It might be about tech news (my unhealthy obsession). Or it might just be about random thoughts that I have. I figure, since chances are no one is going to be reading this anyway, I’ll just type whatever the heck I fell like and figure out what the point is later.

If, however, you have stumbled across this blog and you do decided to read some of my posts, I would like to give you fair warning. I do not take my self very seriously. I plan to comment on topics and subjects that I am probably no where near learned enough to be discussing. And, if confronted, I will concede that because of my lack of knowledge on any given topic, that I am probably wrong in my claims and should not continue to argue my point. And then I will continue to argue my point, right or wrong, until I am blue in the face. This is not meant to be arrogant or insulting to anyone. I just really like argue/converse. So please, if you read anything on this blog that upsets you in any way, try to remember that I’m probably not being entirely serious, I’m not taking my self or my opinions very seriously, and I don’t really know what I’m talking about anyway. So relax and ignore me.

Now that that is out of the way, on with the opinions.

Note: That counts as my disclaimer.

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